Each colour represents a different cause and each one carries a particular metric, for example if you buy a white watch their supporting charity One Day's Wages provides food supplements to 16 children in the Horn of Africa. Through their website and social media channels, they let you follow the help that you have aided.
So for once its not just a fashion product, its something more.
What Each Colour Means
HUNGER: White - One Day's Wages
The horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia) has recently experienced its worst drought in 60 years, leaving 13 million people in need of assistance and food. Along with their long term work in the region, for every white watch purchased, One Day's Wages will be able to provide treatment for 16 malnourished children with food supplements they desperately need.
30,000 people die every week from unsafe drinking water. For every 625 water watches purchased, Charity: Water will build a well, providing sanitary drinking water for an entire village.
1 in every 8 woman will develop breast cancer in their lifetime. A simple mammogram can help save these woman's lives. However, millions of women don't have the money to pay for this procedure. Every 14 pink watches purchased will enable the National Breast Cancer Foundation to provide 1 mammogram for a woman in need.
Everyday, 3 billion people in developing countries are exposed to toxic smoke when preparing meals. The Adventure Project will provide 1 charcoal efficient stove to a family in Haiti for every 3 blue watches purchased.
Over 30 million people live with AIDS worldwide. For every 5 red watches purchased, Keep a Child Alive can provide the AIDS care necessary to keep a child alive with AIDS alive for one month.
CANCER: Black - American Cancer Society
Millions of people are affected by cancer each year. Many of them aren't educated about the treatment options available and even more struggle with the emotional impact this causes on them and their family. To help these people, for every black watch purchased, the American Cancer Society can provide the necessary education and support to 8 cancer patients and their families.
Their Story
This project began its life at MIrza Minds, a product and branding firm in Chicago. The watch brand was originally the vision of Creative Director Fam Mirza. Having experienced both the hardships of the 3rd world and the comfort of the 1st. Fam desired to create something that could bridge that gap and ultimately make the world a better place.
'Change originates from within. That is why the face of the watch is designed as a mirror. When you check the time, you see your reflection looking back within you.' - Fam Mirza
This is so tottally amazing and I'm definitely adding it to my Christmas List, now all I have to do is decide on the colour!!!!
There is so much more to this project so please go have a look and buy one :) because they are sleek, dynamic and down right amazing.
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